Brandon Mull vs. Rick Riordan

  Jason landed in a mystical dimension called Lyrian where there is real magic. And in Lyrian knowledge is forbidden, for the evil emperor Maldor who has taken control of Lyrian can be destroyed by a single unknown word. But it isn't easy to gain the syllables of the word for Maldor is the last wizard. Join Jason as he tries to destroy Maldor. Now run for your life, because the first syllable is a.

         Percy discovers that he is a demigod he has mystical powers. Then he discovers that the ancient gods of Greece are in fact alive and full of power. Along the way he realises he is a son Poseidon, the sea and ocean god. Percy needs to find out who stole Zeus' master bolt. Join Percy and his friends on a quest to unearth dangerous mysteries that want to stay hidden.

         Two different authors, two different stories, two different styles...

         As you might of understood these are two different authors, Brandon Mull and Rick Riordan. Obviously I like Rick Riordan better, if you have read my earlier blogs you will know why. I like Brandon Mull as well. His writing style is similar to Rick Riordan's style but a little less funny and more intense. The first paragraph is about Brandon Mull's book - Beyonders, a world without heroes.
The second paragraph is Rick Riordan's - Percy Jackson and the lightning thief.

                        You comment and tell me who you think is a better author!


  1. I wish I could! I have not read anything by either author. Fantasy is not a genre I read a lot. Have you read J.R.R. Tolkien or Phillip Pullman? They are my favorite fantasy authors.

    1. I have read J.R.R Tolkien ( the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings series). I really like his writing too!.

    2. If you haven't read Pullman and The Golden Compass trilogy, you should! (But don't watch the is terrible.)

    3. just like how the percy jackson movies are terrible

  2. Rick Riordan VS Brandon Mull! Who will emerge victorious! Seriously I have no idea I love both of their writing skills, its almost torture to choose. If my life depended on it I think I would go with Rick though. Mainly because I have read more of his books then Brandon's books. I agree with you that Brandon's writing is more serious, but sometimes I do enjoy his books more because of that.

  3. Good match up! They are both great authors and I agree with Alex, it is very hard to choose. You seem like an avid reader and that's cool. If I had to choose though I would probably choose Rick Riordan. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Brandon Mull is better in my opinion. You are right that Brandon is more serious, but he does joke around sometimes, and I think he has the perfect mix of serious and funny. Don't get me wrong, Rick Riordan is an amazing author, but I feel the scale leans a little in Brandon Mull's favor

  6. I think Rick Riordan is better by a long shot.


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